Michael T. Nixon

“You gotta finish the play! Why are you still in the locker room!!!”

Kind of interesting that she couldn’t look a person in the eye that wasn’t even in the room...#Uncomfortable?

Why guys.....just why. WHY DO THIS TO ME. WHYYYYYYYYYYYY.

it always blew my mind how so many people blindly aligned themselves with the Red Sux simply because it’s fashionable to hate the Yankees...They have been doing this classless crap for years...glad the grass has finally been cut.

This guy repeatedly put “old age” and “32" in the same sentence....yeah, brain is fried.

Good teen.

My college coach put our 3rd (maybe 4th) string PG at the end of a blowout home game. This PG had a propensity to turn the ball over...in practice the Coach would keep track of all his turnovers by counting them out loud....needless to say, he did the same thing during said home game. The PG had 7 turnovers in 3

Boston summed up in one tweet. Perfect.

Thank God he took this job....im convinced the Knicks job would have killed him...smh.

Was he pointing at Centerfield or the 9 hole in the batting order?

Hopefully he can keep it up cause #TheZlatan might be dead.

Demar got that “Get me to LA” look.

“Hey, Rondo! Wanna thumb war!?”

It’s a lot better than listening to Francesa carry A-Rod’s water...a lot of people involved with the Yankees were upset at how much Kay came after the organization during that whole mess. Definitely wasn’t a yes man.

Love how Al Leiter is just reduced to a “wow.” When former players are in awe, you know that a guy is special.

Might be confusing him with Susyn Waldman...He really isn’t a homer at all (listen to his radio show)>

The top photo clearly has more people in it!!!!!!!! FAKE NEWS SAD!!!!!

At least they said Tsar-ry.

The greatest “family reason” a married man could have at that. We understand Tommy. #Giselle.