
I feel the same. The only anime i watched last season was Tanya the evil which I really liked btw. i recommend it. I also checked out a couple db super episodes. it fucking sucks. I recommend burning it alive if possible. All the anime are starting to blend together for me.

the adults that go to these pokemon matches are the lamest of lame. This is for kids yo. Grow the fuck up. Geez

didnt the same thing happen with the previous consoles as well (nintendo I mean). Nintendo still sucks in terms of games. Not really sure why so many people are buying them. Must be children nagging their parents or something. Its like that thing everyone has one of but doesn’t really use all that often haha.

having played skyrim on pc and trying to mod it, I can say this 100% true. All the research I had to do and instructions I had to follow just to get a few mods working was ridiculous. Even then, you’d encounter issues with the game crashing because of some weird compatibility issues. It really wasn’t worth it in the

2b wins!

how dirty is a house that you have to have cokroaches in a ps4 though? wtf

Oh man...flash backs to toonami lol

ah thanks for this. I was like wtf....you were my favorite gundam hero, now I hate you. I now like him again because of your explanation lol

omg racing in video games now being an official like sport. Really? This has gotta be a joke.

literally one of the most overrated anime ever....like ever ever.

why is there a white kid in the video? Also this is gonna suck sooooo much. Wtf is up with all the gimmicky vr shit.

why a battery pack. why not an attachable charging pack that can be charged through the console as well. Using batteries seems outdated to me.

why is everyone making a big deal about cgi trailers? I mean until we see game play, imo you dont need to show anything.

Actually no. Its the moms house, not the sons. If the son didnt take it, everything is fair game. Its pretty much the sons fault. Why would he leave something so valuable behind

what a shitty son for making his mother think she was breaking the family down. Fuck the stupid ass cards. Why did he leave them at home if they were worth so much. Fucking idiot.

this game is a bit overhyped. I have it and its exactly like the last one besides a few cosmetic changes. I also don’t like negotiating with enemies to get them. I liked the card draw at the end of battle. Meh. To each their own.

For all the issues the game had, I did thoroughly enjoy it. Btw that image with the black armor with red lights. Is that in the game? It looks like tech armor? Thats fucking dope.

you understand there is a cloud save right? You could have had a back up there. I don’t think your kid would have figured that out. After all, he doesn’t know how to not save over someone elses game. I blame no one but you.

I’ve only played like an hour of the game so far but the peoples attitude around the protagonist is really pissing me off. The guy saved a girl from getting raped and he also did not hurt the other guy but everyone treats him like shit, telling him he shouldn’t have gotten involved. Jesus.

I think you forgot humans are animals too. They just tend to put themselves on pedestals to make themselves appear better than others etc