Michael Stone

Looked like they were carrying a bit too much speed as well.

Said before, say it again. The Coast guard is the only service that really pulls its own weight and gets value for tax dollars. It is criminal it gets so overlooked.

Tell that to the hottie standing behind him

I don’t think he’s letting go of any of the calories, he’s hanging on to every last one of them.

I’ll just leave this right here.

was it singularly unique?

See you and raise you one:

The aircraft appeared quite unique

Surely the world will not miss any of the Bin Laden family. Good riddance.

I could see myself henchmanning for an organization with a getup like that.

I’m waiting for the first one to go flying off the road and the lawsuits to come!

“The drumbeat here regarding the F-35 is always factual as far as I can tell, but the spin put on those facts is invariably as negative as possible.”

Are you kidding? Even in it’s current state of development, the F-35 is a generation ahead of anything else, except the F-22. Why is it that you always assume that the general officers making these decisions are all incompetent, politically-motivated hacks, instead of professionals making a judgment call based on a

I don’t see any dicks drawn on the belly of that aircraft. Marine’s mission not accomplished yet.

I see you're doing a routine oil change.


My uncle flew OH-6 Cayuse LOH “Loach” in Vietnam, where the application of the scout helicopter design really took off. Post-Vietnam, the massive budget cuts in the military led to the adoption of many commercial-off-the-shelf systems (COTS) as gapfillers until dedicated platforms could be developed, which led to the

They were thinking that their jobs were literally flying away as Ft. Drum starts a massive drawdown.

I’ve gotta say it: Charlie don’t surf!