Michael Stone

The shape is just about the only thing left. On top of the addition of composites they have new engines, props, fully integrated digital architecture supported by redundant mission computers, glass cockpit, and a vastly improved cargo handing system.

4,000 square feet is a fraction of an acre. Seriously, this is a complaint for a post like this?

Michael- Capt B was not drunk walking around Coronado. The fact that this email was even printed is kinda embrassing. It not only accuses a good man like Capt B of being a racist ( what the heck?!) but also a drunk ( thats a negative). To post two salacious items as fact shows the low bar of what we are reading. The

It’s more than the money, it’s that Bahrain has veto power over any additional Middle East GPs.

I’ll bet the goat was drawing attention. Lots of bosses are jerks; few have pygmy goats.

Right, but the problem arises when they bring him ashore.

You’re complaining about the men and women in the military coordinating and working together? Really? The crew of the plane are not solely responsible for loading cargo. That’s part of the role of the supply unit.

Because it’s also less than a new M3, for one...

That’s also a big part of why rural states get more money from the Federal Government then they pay in taxes. Those Federal lands have to be maintained somehow.

How is ~10x more expensive “not much more expensive”?

It’s everything else – the aerodynamics, the brakes, and all the added lightness.

no, it teaches the kid to drive. if you want to raise a poor driver; give them some FWD, automatic CUV. this will actually teach somebody the art of self-preservation behind the wheel. plus you can take your son to a local track day and have fun together.

Sorry wikipedia but Paul Newman was an American Race Car Driver.

or just use drugs and get banned for two years. Way to cover the biggest story to hit your sport in forever Fittish! Way to instead have an ironic article about how to run long like a Kenyan. Maybe they're all on drugs........

I've had my sw turbo since I was 17 (20 now) and no issues here. It honestly depends on the driver.