Michael Stone

2030 seems like an awfully long timespan for technology that is already available today. I’d be shocked, if it took this long. Let’s all think back to 2001’ish. Autopilot vehicles were comical to even talk about. Now, most car companies know it’s only a matter of years before they’re required by law and their

Steve Lehto, no comment?

Israel has done this for decades without issue. I'd say this is LONG overdue.

Tesla...Faraday... Quick, someone grab “Franklin,” and then sell it to the next bored Silicon Valley house husband.

It’s the Common Strategic Rotary Launcher (CSRL) -cruise missle launcher.

Engine out issues still persist...how do you recover at low altitudes?

Yes. From Beavis and Butthead who filmed the Lambo (read Buggati) entering the salt water marsh. While filming, Beavis exclaimed “Pretty sure that’s a Lambo dude!” Internet gold. The video is above, and it was also used to prove the driver intentionally crashed his “Lambo” into the marsh, or bog, or water...

Because #OrangeCounty

Asses matter.

EVs have been around as long as ICE powered vehicles. Some of the first autos were electric.

Bikes are made to pedal. This is DUMB!

You are joking right?

Coilovers cure all

These are going to be worth a lot 40 years from now, or they’ll be illegal to drive, as they’re powered by Dino-Juice. Or, they’ll be worthless. Bookmark my comment now, so you can come back, then, and say “He was right!”

Your fiancé and you agree on no kids? Dude...that's the oldest trick in the book! I'd start looking at minivans NOW!!!

Safest car ever, most likely.

EPS is marketing hype. Wear your helmet- any SNELL helmet. This is the only real deal.

It corrodes and extensively so, if not coated. You’d be surprised.

FYI- Shipping a car from HI to the Mainland is under $1,200. Or, at least it was a few months ago- takes less than 8 days too.

Marketing- the Viper needs to “die” for a few years, and then, come back with vengeance. Rereleasing “all-new” Vipers hasn’t helped sales. These things sit and sit. Compare this to the Z06, which is easily, a more troubled sports car, and the reasoning becomes clear.