Michael Stone

There’s more crazy than brave here...rather, he doesn’t seem crazy, just cocky—not a great mix given the margins. But heh...cool WWA!

Your “Fresh Hotness” is more like “Stale Coldcuts.” It needs work.

The driver in the oncoming lane avoided him when he crossed the centerline. The Ferrari driver was simply lucky, nothing more. What a putz!

Lack of true autorotatation and lack of single engine survivabilty when hovering, are the larger reasons. See the unfortunate Marana, AZ crash of ‘00. That incident still stains the V-22, though some, but not all, of the issues have been cured. The V-22 is relatively prone to pilot induced oscillation, as one example.

Or stoned...I have a 50% chance of being correct I this situation. :-)

Their safety record is the reason for that.

Actually, just read the specs. 101-h.p. with a redline limit of 9k....lol. Less powerful than a used $6k CBR-600. It might be a good beginners bike after all. What a joke! See fine print...

They finally replaced the ugliest rims, in the history of modern sports cars, with some cool looking wheels! Bravo...

Honda has made several of these “true race replicas” over the years. They’ve always had 2-things in common (1) they’ve always been stupidly expensive, (2) they’ve never lived up to the hype.

It comes with training wheels too. You’ll love it. :)

Don’t buy a BMW

Good luck dude!

U.S. body shops repairing carbon fiber (CF)....scary thought! Though, CF is very easy to repair, it’s fairly complicated compared to steel and aluminum reconstruction. I’m sure some interesting tales are in store.

Rather, sports are entertainment.

HKG / Hong Kong’s airport is actually quite similar. The difference is that the stilts were backfilled and are adjustable in locations to account for settlement of the land they’re placed within (reclaimed land).

Have a feeling the next Nissan GT-R (Road Car) is going to be mostly FWD, if the LMP1 race car shows any success. That would really suck.

I hate Honda 250s too...


With the Manual Gearbox Option...sigh...surely there’s a way...

All true and good write-up on an overlooked topic. But, having watched the Blue Angles perform well over 20-times publicly, and many more times privately at El Centro they, the team, are well aware of their limitations when it comes to expecting and receiving parts. They actually take pride in this dilemma and during