That think looks super uncomfortable to play and I only see one set of pick-ups...? Also, why is it strung like a left handed guitar...?
That think looks super uncomfortable to play and I only see one set of pick-ups...? Also, why is it strung like a left handed guitar...?
I never left. ;) Still my ‘go-to’ for battle royal game-play. Still suck at Keyboard & Mouse tho... Getting better. :)
How about we cross this bridge when we get there..? I see no benefit of a bunch of journalist speculating about an issue that is really NOT an issue currently. This article helps no one and just scares the ignorant.
Stay Classy....
I kind of really want one. However, I cant help but think about how much crud is going to build up in some of those holes. Especially with a toddler running around my house.
Donkey Kong Country!! Some of the best immersive sound design. Nothing sticks in my memmories more than this awesome soundtrack from my childhood.
Darn, I already own Inside and Castlevania ... The other two... Meh..
So, theyre just going to put new wheels on the classic GT?
Looks like I need to get a switch by July 19th. Really enjoy the ultimate alliance games.
Really wish this was podcast. Good read.
Still got my Xbox 360 copy ;)
Dude, You should run through the campaign of the second one. Its actually really great!
I get so triggered by people at Airports that dont do this. I always walk up and down escalators. Then there are those people that give you dirty looks when you walk past them on the escalators as if you just pissed in their cornflakes.
This just happened to me with ‘My Friend Pedro’. Been following it for a while. Yesterday after work I noticed that dreaded e-mail that says “An item on your wish list is on sale right now”. Pulled the trigger on the game thinking I will play a few levels and go to bed. That was at 7 or 8 ish. Next thing I know I am…
I feel like the marketing for this game has been very minimal. Whereas the marketing for pokemon go was EVERYWHERE.
:( I miss Mitch so much. Fuckin Heroin...
Being a 6'2" & 240 lb guy... I always have to say no to Miatas.
Just play the game and make your own. It really is a great wallpaper generator. I love this game. It keeps getting better and better.
This is similar to how I approach the GTA/Rockstar games.