
You are all over the board when it comes to book taste. :) I like it!

Back in the day I used to take my Yamaha Razz into my friends gravel pit. Was a lot of fun for a 13 year old who didn’t have a dirt-bike yet :)

What year is it..? This is VERY old news.

Give me MORE Marston. I loved the first game and thought the ending was perfect. Its channels classic westerns wll. I would love to see more of the “Hard Ass” John Marston is RD2. In the first game he has calmed down a bit with a family and all. I want to see a tough as nails-no mercy-John in the sequel. I want to see

They look like MRE’s.

Steep is Great!! I wish more of my friends payed it. I need to get back into it since all the the new crap has been added.

I understand your sentiment. I dont agree with paying a premium for digital content either. I just made a personal choice this console cycle to stick with digital for various reasons. Mainly since you have to install disc based games anyways AND are still required insert the disc to play. (DUMB) Also, I have decided

I understand your sentiment. I dont agree with paying a premium for digital content either. I just made a personal

Ill pay the extra 10 bucks for the digital download. I have completely given up on discs.

Ill pay the extra 10 bucks for the digital download. I have completely given up on discs.

Bet those starters didnt last too long. But yeah, you gotta push the clutch in over here for cars I know.

Oh Yes... The NANO Rifle was baller!!! Dominated online play. The jet packs / booster things were fun too. I sunk a fair amount online play into that game. Dont remember if I ever finished the story though..

You are absolutely right. Just for some reason I ‘Forgot’ to push in the clutch when trying to start the truck. I know thats what you have to do. but for some reason, that day I just didnt. :P

It may be just me; But it looks like they have heavily borrowed lines from Land Rover. I sorta see an Evoke hiding in there.

I got Mad Max on the XBone when it released. Its actually really enjoyable. The vehicle audio is really well done and they actually feel like they have wight. Its abit of a grind though. Its really easy to set down and come too. (Still haven’t Finished it.)

Crap game is crap. Artwork is funny though.

Crap game is crap. Artwork is funny though.

One does want to get out Indiana as soon as possible. :P

This is Hilarious!!!

(Groing up in southern Michigan) Back in high school all my friends including myself owned “Winter Beaters” for the winter and our “Nice / project” cars for summer. These beaters were all usually some early to late 80s trucks. We would buy them super cheap and beat the piss out of them mudding or just hooning around.


Looks like when he is actually on the bike his thighs will cover up the porn font, And you will only be able to make out Hub..