
His new look, Valyrian steel, isn't ready yet.

Yah, I get really confused about what they are going to do with half of there characters next season.

Maybe I missed something, but the first meeting I recall between Stannis and the iron bank was in the middle of the north during a massive snow storm. So plot wise this is a big improvement.

Has the TV show ever introduced the "Hands of gold" song from the books? Without it what are they going to play over the credits of the last episode? We're just going to get another mournful rendition of the Rains of Castamere, aren't we.

I'm talking specifically about Dante, who put the fraudulent in the 9th circle of hell.

I guess I don't find Don's story as confusing as a lot of people do, ever since they started last season by quoting the beginning of Dante's Inferno his story has been his figurative decent into hell as his various sins (lust, gluttony, pride, and fraud) finally catch up to him.

Hologram Little Sebastian

"I looked it up, It's about a predatory flautist who murders kids in a cave" might be the best line delivery ever.