Michael Nagle

I am honestly shocked Paramount is keeping up with a Bumblebee spin-off after the HORRENDOUS box office of The Last Knight.

He's just a habitual liar. And he easily masks what he honestly thinks of himself.

Now it makes sense why the channel wanted to get this story off the airwaves the moment Hannity put his sweaty palms on it. He gave it a more, mainstream traction to it and that exploded in their faces.

THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN book is quite a good read. I always love it when the most mundane things have either a fascinating or batshit crazy origin. (And the Oxford Dictionary definitely has both.)

In the span of a few hours Kelly has tried to maintain order with this administration.

Went and saw VALERIAN today.

To be fair, Onomatopoeia is a cool idea for a villain. Just a shame that only Kevin Smith is allowed to write for him. Even if it is his character he should be in other stories.

This is now TWO officials from President Sex Offender who helped make a movie be created. And, most likely, make a profit off of it. (Which I believe is illegal.)

That video of McCain voting no and seeing McConnell's face go from "happy as a clam" to "suicidal turtle" might be the best thing we will see all year.

Incredibly sad.

This is just a big, BIG distraction from the healthcare vote right now. He wants us to ignore that the GOP still has two versions of their horrible ACA replacement that needs to be voted on right now.

They are hinting at an Owens v. Shane O'Mac fight at Summerslam and it shouldn't happen.

I agree the main event scene for RAW is super hot right now.

You got Oakley and Weinstein working on this, a great cast, and a solid premise for an animated series.

Meanwhile, John McCain is coming back from surgery and suffering from horrible brain cancer to vote "Yes" on the healthcare vote tomorrow.

Is karma for being such an asshole most of his career catching up to Orton?

So you plan an event where MANY people at once could use their phones.

It makes no god damn sense.


You're god damn right.