Michael Nagle

The fact that Polk needed to have surgery on his bladder, WITH NO ANESTHESIA AND STAYED AWAKE THE ENTIRE TIME, makes it really hard for me to hate the man. (Despite the fact he helped us get into a pointless war to get land for, ultimately, racist reasons such as driving away Mexicans and Native Americans.)

Well I am sure AMC is LOOOOVVVVVINNNNNG today.

Michael McKean isn't nominated for an Emmy after this STELLAR performance for Season 3?

Well when bigger named stars are going after the U.S. title more than the main, championship belt then of course it will feel like a bigger belt to push!

Cass' first, real feud as a heel is going to be with Big Show?

Make it simple:

’80s All Over sounds like a great idea for a podcast. And you can easily do sequels if they want to continue into the next set of decades.

The best of these Oat Studios shorts so far. Doesn't hurt to have Sharlto "I Cannot Stop Chewing Scenery" Copley play the titular character.

If this was any other administration I would give kudos to the intern who did this (cause they have a sense of humor).

Unless the ENTIRE lineage burns in a fire, or gets arrested in this whole mess with Russia, then this is just proof that we are stuck with this family for a LOOOONNNNNGGGGG time.

That just sounds crazy bonkers. I don't think a ton of people would've stood for such a drastic change like that. (In tone and in setting)

Gurihiru is an amazing duo of artists and I am happy this Gwenpool book is giving them a lot of free reign to expand their comfort zone. I remember seeing their work on DeviantArt, of all places, and was wondering when they would get more mainstream work.

I'm just shocked it took this long from someone to attempt to plant very well forged fake news more than the fact it was discovered.

He's STILL talking about this, making this newsworthy, and not be worried about the fact him and his team tried to blackmail Mika & Joe on MSNBC.

Well Hobby Lobby you win.

If it was Breitbart then no, cause that is not real news.

CNN is, essentially, saying to ALL trolls out there:

Loving every second of this.

Same crew.
Same voice actors.
Same soundtrack artists.

President Sex Offender is obsessed with everything but actually making our country great again.