Michael Nagle

The fact that it is barely 100 days and this is how he feels really says it all.

Well it worked wonders for Jiminy Glick….

It says a lot that the court didn't even need the video evidence of why this man should be no where near children. Why anyone think having children in the first place with this lunatic is another matter.

"Abbud, “an innately likable Muslim American whose nerves are, let’s
say, jangled, because he’s flown solo for too long in zombieland.”"

Money can make you do a lot of stupid things.

I, for one, will be very happy to see this on opening night.

Looks like Mr. Goldblum didn't learn his lesson going back to the old well with Independence Day 2.

When Scott eventually tries to mend his image and asks for forgiveness we need to all band together and say:

*rubs temples*

I really hope Nick Spencer is out at Marvel once this story is done. They put too much time and effort to just outright cancel this idea so they're stuck. But Spencer's story has caused nothing but PR nightmares and honestly, if I was a higher up at the company, he would be gone in a heartbeat.

I can't wait for this dully lit, blue filtered piece of garbage to be advertised all over the place while I refuse to watch it.

I'm just amazed he even keeps that portrait of Hillary up.

Honestly, bringing in celebrities or washed up people doesn't bother me. If you want to invite these people to your work then go nuts.

As much as this should be good news, in reality it's not. Let me explain:

Reading this I am just dumbfounded.

God fucking damn it…this show!

Shame that all of this incredible build for Braun is leading to his demise. He's either gonna get fed to Brock in a squash match or Roman is eventually gonna beat him to look dominate.

In the span of a week, brainwashed idiots have heard:

Hey it's the two groups of people who helped "normalized" our Fucker in Chief! And now you expect me to watch this?

I want to like this more but the tone is all over the place. One minute it's serious but has a nice, dark humor about it. But the next it has this cartoony element where people can exit a car through a windshield and not get hurt.