Michael Nagle

I am so not even close to a red blooded, constitutional waving 'Merican. But:

Fox News is literally just internet trolls now. One half baked comedic comment and they go NUCLEAR.

Apart from Supergirl none of these new shows (so far anyways) have my interest. Not even The Muppets which annoys me. This whole social media campaign about Kermit and Miss Piggy breaking up kinda pissed me off. Not because two fictional puppets aren't an item now; but the whole advertisement of it and showcasing

Maybe this will be better than that horrible AMERICAN SNIPER movie. Seriously, I cannot fathom how, other than pure patriotism, that film got so much love from the majority of moviegoers and the Academy.

Goodie. Another Tom Cruise movie where no one will have the balls to discuss the horrors of Scientology. Cause the journalists of today are terrible.

I'm not a big fan of his but I find him entertaining and his songs can be catchy.

It just felt like, for once, a burger was properly prepared in a fast food joint. I didn't feel grossed out or sick afterwards from eating it. It's perfectly cooked, has fresh veggies, and the bun is toasted perfectly.

He comes across as a nice guy and completely eccentric. But his monotone voice pretty much ruins most of his portions of the story. But the tail end where he suddenly comes back into the mix was fun.

Last night I saw the documentary LOST SOULS. Which is about the troubled production of Marlon Brando's THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU. It was a pretty solid BTS doc but the tone was a little too flat doesn't help that Richard Stanley, the man who originally came up with the adaptation, is dull as dirt when he talks. Yet the

This is like, 20 years way too late for this.

I'm a fan of Let's Plays but only with certain people. Mainly Achievement Hunter, Funhaus, and now Markiplier. So you know, the obvious heavy hitters. But they make me laugh on a consistent basis.

So she was going to end up being on THREE biopics where she plays a wife who has no bearing on the plot. Amazing.

I love going to museums so since moving to Los Angeles I've hit all the big ones. At LACMA I was in their modern art section and I found what could be my favorite piece ever.

Now we're talking!

I look forward to THE FLOPHOUSE covering this in a few months.

I've become a good fan of Alex Gibney since his SCIENTOLOGY doc. And his SINATRA doc had some flaws but still very solid. He's having a good year and despite the quality of this (if it is indeed a C+ in my book anyways) this is going to get press regardless. So he's having a wonderful year and everything should go up

What a douche move by Bush. If he was doing it for charity, like Colbert is doing now, I can see him getting away with it. But to donate to his campaign? Fuck off.

Honestly that's a good idea. He's everywhere right now but he could definitely pull it off.

There's nothing about this I don't like.

Am I the only one not a fan of Denis Villeneuve? I find his films so boring and seemingly 30mins TOO long. Ever since ENEMY he has soured me even though he always gets great actors in his films.