Michael Nagle

I don't know why but the clearly 'not Norm' models when they do the close up to the food makes me laugh really hard.

It won me with the pilot but steadily lost steam after the first season. Once rape became a component to season two I opted out. But I didn't HATE it; just indifferent.

Someone in AV Club found this and thought:


That's some bad CGI right there.

I don't know how anyone can support or watch a Tom Cruise movie with Scientology looming over everything. The man is a scumbag and people should be treating him as such.

A January release? ALWAYS a good sign.

True story: My English teacher from 6th grade was a huge fan of the Ravens. One day, while we were covering Edgar Allen Poe for the week, she brought in Poe the mascot for people to interact with him.

I think we need to stop it with Ed Helms. Specifically him as a leading, comedic actor. He is perfectly fine as the sidekick or supporting actor as THE HANGOVER films have shown. But him trying to be his own man….Just no.

I think we need to stop it with Ed Helms. Specifically him as a leading, comedic actor. He is perfectly fine as the sidekick or supporting actor as THE HANGOVER films have shown. But him trying to be his own man….Just no.

The best documentary I've ever seen not using talking heads is JUNE 17th, 1994. Seriously, for my money, it is the best edited piece of filmmaking I've ever seen.

Well it is clearly not the end for Adam Sandler cause he has this stupid deal with Netflix. So even if he is somehow box office poison he can just jump platforms.

While not my favorite of Swartzwelder it certainly is in a top 5 list for me. So many great lines and so many great sight gags that only Swarztwelder could come up with. People are iffy with Mike Scully's run but I always enjoyed it for the most part. This debut episode for him as showrunner showcases what kind of

That reminds me:

Guttenberg gets a lot of shit for his career, and rightly so, but I feel a bit for the dude. He always comes across as a nice guy and it seems like he was just apart of unforeseen circumstances. He was the biggest star in the 80s but he is just a product of that decade and couldn't adapt.

I now want a piece on TDS where Jon not only apologies for his outburst but to make fun of it. Have writers or talent come out to retell stories of some of his more infamous moments with them. That could be a good way to acknowledge this shortcomings but also make light of what is mostly a nonstory.

Chris Hardwick, who comes across as super nice and sweet, just went over an incident at SDCC where he acknowledged being an asshole to someone. And considering that dude's schedule he either is a saint for not being like that more often OR there's more stories we haven't heard.

Holy shit. I am down for some Jackie Chan Martial Arts Jedi right now.

I can totally see a 'happy' ending forming with the comics now. It's subtle and not perfect but he's getting there. But after all the shit Rick and co. has gone through it'll be tough to buy a 'happy' anything at this point.

He's honestly really good in GONE GIRL. He should do more stuff like that often.