Michael Nagle

Way too dark and it feels like a parody in a way. It honestly reminds me of a fan trailer based on how cheesy it was.

Two teasers down and I'm really stoked for this. I shouldn't be since the prequels were ASS and I shouldn't believe another set of sequels will be good….but I want to believe after seeing this.

Definitely sad that NBC is already mining shows that couldn't work.

I forgot about Eyepatch guy! He was so co and he was like a Terminator because he could not just fucking die! The fact that he's the reason Charlie gets killed is frustrating but, I gotta admit, he gets him in a badass way.

As usual, Quaid shows his poor acting chops because this looks staged as hell. Even if it was real he is terrible at naturally being pissed off.

I'm loving this trend of Hillary Clinton being completely psychotic on getting into the White House. Amy Poheler played the depressing, soul crushing Clinton well in 2008. Now we have a 'salt the earth' mentality with McKinnon and that should work wonders no matter how far Hillary goes.

To be fair he got involved in a silo explosion and had to learn to hear & feel pain again. That can fuck anyone's perception on life.

I remember being confused as a kid while watching this. It was funny, at points, but I didn't get the message. Frank Grimes seemed like a jerk and he was being unreasonable to Homer.

Yesterday I saw the film THE BIG LEBOWSKI with the sis. I really enjoyed it and I was surprised how, for a movie where a lot happens, nothing really happens (if that makes sense). It's pure Coen Brothers with absurd humor but every second is tense cause you don't know where it's gonna go. Plus I love all the

Much, much better episode than the pilot (if we can call it that?). The final action scene was pretty remarkable but the acting overall was the highlight for me. Plus Foggy was actually pretty funny and not annoying.

I don't know if that clip showcases any sexism but it does show some bad writing. I'm sure the script was written before GOTG but Pratt's character is basically Star Lord but without the charm. He's a complete asshole and unless he's an antagonist I don't really want to root for this guy.

I enjoyed this but had some gripes. The show was TOO dark at times and I couldn't tell what was going on at times. Also, the acting was really wooden and felt more like expository dialogue rather than anything natural. Especially coming from the guy who played Foggy who was….well he was awful.

That's an….interesting decision.

I agree with Harris that WOLF OF WALL STREET shouldn't be on this list.

If this means we are gonna have a fun and 'happyish' superhero movie from DC I'm all for it. Just no Channing Tatum or Jonah Hill please.

Well that sucks.

If I had any complaints, and it wouldn't be the internet if I didn't, I would probably replace THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL with UNDER THE SKIN. I particularly didn't like UNDER THE SKIN and found it to be boring. Also, I particularly enjoyed FRANCES HA but is it a Top 5? I wouldn't say that at all…

I'm shocked WOLF OF WALL STREET is on this list at all. What a bloated, and utterly boring, picture by Scorsese. If it wasn't for HUGO I'd say he has not done a particularly worthwhile film since THE AVIATOR.

I'm surprised goofs don't happen often on game shows. They have to time that shit perfectly and to be right almost every time is very surprising. Then again the rumor is that game shows are enormously staged but are better at hiding it than the past…So maybe there's a reason they look flawless.

"Stranger in a Strange Land" is still the worst episode of the series. Right behind, in my book anyways, is the origin episode for Jacob and the smoke monster. At least in THAT episode stuff was sorta told and even if it frustrated me to no end I got something out of it.