Michael Nagle

Going to have to clear the DVR for this….Cause it will literally fill up my entire storage space.

Went and saw THE SALVATION on my VOD Friday.

Good…I mean not good…I mean..

Captain America throws a motorcycle at the bad guys, instantly killing them.

Martin Cinemax III really hates it they didn't get to have True Detective.

I'm not even really talking about being upset over it being different from the comics. It's fine to differentiate but when you got an incredible moment like that in the books there's no reason to change it.

They fucking hint at it with the (terrible) CDC episode! The scientist says something to the effect of Carl being a killer as a joke. But Shane is right behind him as he is saying it so it's more foreshadowing! I guess it all lead to him shooting him anyways but…really no impact because he was a zombie.

I haven't watched this show in years and, for some reason, I decided to turn it on the moment Noah dies. Good lord that was just brutal. And not really in a cool way. I admit that zombie gore isn't really my thing; but I do like watching the big hits of zombie lore so it comes with the territory.

It is a shame that Sony is looking for so much money. I mean it makes sense considering how HUGE of a show Seinfield is. But, as a man who has only Netflix as a streaming service, it would have been cool to have it available.

Went and saw THE LAST FIVE YEARS with my sister on Friday. Anna Kendrick has an incredible singing voice and she shows it again here. But this musical is so disappointing on so many levels. The songs aren't memorible, you aren't invested in the characters, and the Directing/Cinematography is garbage. It tries so hard

I think it's legit funny. There's a lot of great sight gags and Spider-Man quips to make you laugh. There's two, incredibly pathetic moments that made me laugh really hard.

I've been listening to a lot of Cliff Martinez's score for THE KNICK lately. It's the perfect way to wind down after a hard day (work or otherwise). Even if some of the tracks are a dark I just close my eyes and enjoy the eerie tunes Martinez creates.

Did anyone read HOWARD THE DUCK #1? Cause my god that was funny from start to finish. Was not expecting a training montage but it was some of the best, fake lyrics I've seen in a while. The only downside was the incredibly groan-worthy cameo at the end. But apart from that it's a great first issue and a good comedy

If he has a good 'vibe' on picking that stuff up then he should action films now. Cause if TAKEN 3 is any indication he's too old and too much of a joke now to be an action star.

You remind me that, apart from THE CONJURING, I need to see all of these horror movies. All of them sound fantastic in their own way (as you put it in the article). THE BABADOOK is getting so much love though I feel like I'll be disappointed if the praise doesn't live up to my expectations.

Jesse Eisenberg, like Owen Wilson before, is an actor I never thought would be a Woody Allen man but…It actually fits well.

"You know Bob we got a lot of flak for all the leaks and how we handled it. How can we change our image?"

Went and saw MY LIFE DIRECTED BY NICOLAS WINDING REFN on my VOD service Friday. It isn't a bad documentary but it fails to really be a compelling look behind the scenes or a window into the mind of Refn. It feels like he refused to have his wife go too deep which she acknowledges at one point. It's a shame because,

My thoughts are pretty much the same with Katie's. It's a solid documentary but Corfixen seemed constrained to show much. Refn appears to be stressed out but we get no insight other than the obvious. If you read the IMDB trivia for ONLY GOD FORGIVES he had to go through a lot of bullshit and either Corfixen or Refn

See I never felt this to be anything about race or having a 'great white hope'. I think Linklater just threw it in as a 'Are you paying attention?' kind of a joke. Something this woman said YEARS ago inspired one man to go from a laborer to a restaurant owner. (And a pretty good one at that considering how good the