Michael Nagle

The only real positive out of MAN OF STEEL was Zimmer's soundtrack. The one piece he created, that was used in the trailer but not seemingly in the film itself, is probably one of the best theme's ever for a superhero. It's called 'WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN YOU ARE NOT SAVING THE WORLD?' if you haven't heard it

Utopia was my first exposure to The Master and I do also wish he stayed as Derek Jacobi. I mean the two parter after this episode are pretty good and I don't mean to belittle John Simm's portrayal cause he is good. But Jacobi was so darn good for the few minutes he remembered he was The Master before changing. Plus

I've been annoyed for ages now on how Daredevil credit's its talent. Waid and Samnee are labeled as 'Storytellers' which I think is cool. But it totally ignores colorist Javier Rodriguez who, when he isn't doing the pencils at times, is separated in his own credit. Now Rodriguez has been involved with Waid's run since

It's a shame he won't do his conservative persona on this new show. I can see it totally working and with an hour he could do a lot of funny things. But in general I'm excited to see where this is gonna go and I'm optimistic he can make it work. I'm just curious on whether an older demographic will stick with him.

As I'm sure many have pointed out already he is an absolute riot in IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD & his cameo on The Simpsons still makes me laugh to this day.

I kinda don't wish this to happen. I mean if he does do it I'll certainly give it a shot and he could do a good job as a talk show host.

The moment I saw the rock golems, or Watchers, or whatever the hell they were; I knew I was going to struggle to like this. I should admit that I am in no way a religious man so my dislike for this has nothing to do with Aronofsky going outside the source.

It sounds silly but based on looks alone the casting for this has been top notch. Can't wait to see a trailer of this and actually see the final product.

I honestly have no opinion on this what so ever. It was so bland of a trailer (I guess that's an emotion one way or another) that I forgot about it after I witnessed it. I'm waiting to see more of it but I have no desire to see this film. I just don't.

I think the only reason people didn't see this is two fold:

This is either going to be the greatest episode ever or the worst, most pretentious thing ever. There will be no middle ground.

Jeez he looks so like Bullock. I loved the casting beforehand but this is icing on the cake really.

I'm excited for this. I recently saw the film for the first time a few months ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's got a pretty solid cast so hopefully the writing lives up to it.

I've been hoping we see an Incredibles sequels since I finished watching the first all those years ago. In this age of superhero films it would have been silly NOT to make a sequel. Glad to hear Brad Bird is going to stick as Director.

Hands down the best episode of the season. For me at least. Cause it is the right amount of crazy a Simpsons episode should have (unless it's written by John Swartzwelder of course) and there's so many great moments. To this day I can't look at a fish sandwich without attempting to rub it on a wall. Also, Homer acting

For what is basically a minute teaser it looks good….Certainly Mickey Rourke still seems to have the chops to be Marv. I hope it's fun to watch cause it certainly has had enough development hell. Frank Miller certainly is a bit of a toxic name at this point so maybe this will get his cred back on track.

I don't….I mean….Just…

Never understood why the Oscars didn't do this for the few years it changed the format. I wanna see WHY the actors got nominated for their roles even if I did see the films in question. In general you are trying to showcase something for a 'general' audience so it makes sense to give us a quick soundbite to show their

As much as I would like to see the original ending, there is just no way it could be done perfectly in the film. If we had the squid monster then we would need to introduce the artist and the scientists; then we would need the newspaper salesman and the kid on the stoop, which means we could have had the pirate story

I'm super stoked for this. I haven't caught on with ARROW even though I hear it's great. But the fact that DC is killing it on TV makes me excited they can make Flash work in live action.