Michael Nagle

"Deja Vu" is one of my all time favorite sketches and I know for most fans it's probably not on their radar. It's just a great concept executed perfectly and boy does Palin do a great job acting it out. If you were in that situation, a man in a continuous loop, you would freak the hell out. That and the music to

Is it weird how some people, like Wiig, will get a big goodbye episode but some don't? I'm not saying Sudeikis is one of the greatest cast members in of all time….But 10 years seems like a good enough run to have a bigger send off then confirming it months after. At least Armisen had a sketch that summed up his run on

Two things I loved about this episode:

If we could get crazy, Frank Miller Batman in this version I'd be all for it. Maybe not go all out like in All-Star Batman or Dark Knight Strikes Again. But just a little unhinged would be the best way to go past the Nolan AND Burton/Schumacher versions.

I'm excited to see Ultron. He's a classic Marvel villain and it would make sense to use him if we get Ant-Man in the future. Of course his movie might come out AFTER this so maybe he won't be the man responsible for creating a genocidal robot.

This list makes me hopeful that Soderbergh's SIDE EFFECTS will get some love. Cause, so far, it's the best movie I've seen this year and it was a great way to finish his 'theatrical' run as a director. Although because he made so many snide comments about Hollywood this probably won't happen. Or in the very least

Sunrise, Sunset

God, I love that steakhouse commercial Dan Aykroyd does. It perfectly showcases Aykroyd presence as a performer and it's just so damn funny. "Tell him how to work the chainsaw" still gets me every time.

Why should I believe you? You're Hitler!

If this was ten years ago I would have loved to see this.

When I first heard that Louis C.K. was in a Woody Allen movie I thought that was the most perfect casting. One man who could easily work well with an Allen script would be C.K. So now that I hear he is going to do a full, leading role for this new project makes me so damn happy.

Yeah she didn't do that great of a job.

Really surprising how little has changed with this show. Yeah there's no Drew Carey but Aisha Tyler did a pretty good job and I'm sure she'll get in a groove with the rest of the cast further along. This was a pretty funny debut for a series I used to LOVE when I was a teenager.

"Mommy, what's this sticky stuff on the floor? It's white and it smells funny…."

The way she speaks English is terribly stereotypical. It's almost as bad as 'City Wall' on South Park.

Considering both The Monarch and Rusty didn't ultimately take his advice (for personal reasons) I have a feeling we won't get that with the Revenge Society. Unless we see Impossible go back on being a good guy they ultimately have no qualms on being better.

That and the punching of the gigantic mosquito.

He's a crank, but then again considering how awful the LOEG movie was I can't blame him for this.

That's a really good theory there and it meshes well with Monarch's "origins" in Season One. Although it works a bit TOO well if you ask me.

Well SNL isn't using Hader's 'Vincent Price' impression to good use so….why let it waste away?