Michael Millichamp

Woah, that sounds awesome.

Holy shit, I spit out coffee.

I've stuck with Girls since the beginning, really wanting to quit the last two seasons, but I guess I'll tough it out for one more. I love most all the characters Dunham has created, but I can not stand Hannah. I'm doing this for you, Shosh.

It's not really imbalanced, given the random man in the background filling out the composition.

I feel like I should watch Gilmore Girls…

Drax yelling about Star Lord's emotions perfectly represents everything I want to say when I see my friend trying to flirt with his crush.

If you like Forbidden Island, look into Pandemic as well!

*Crosses fingers for Bitch Hunter*

The 15 year old boy inside me is excited to listen to this album.

The worst audio I have ever heard was from the guy, I forget his name, who waited in his basement to kill intruders after his house kept getting broken into.

Anyone think she looks like Becky from FNL? You know, if Becky kept the baby, did lines of coke in the morning and fucked her neglectful father.

I saw them in Austin when they opened Brand New. Went for Brand New, but was really impressed by them.

"You are gonna kill it out there!"
"I'm actually going to do that tomorrow…"

First heard him on Earl Sweatshirt's "Hive" and thought he stole the show. Became obsessed with "Hell Can Wait" followed by "Summertime '06" and now "Prima Donna". I think he's one of the best, but hasn't quite broken into the mainstream, but I think he's cool with it.

The widow of the News Station owner said her late husband hung onto it for a long time and when he died, left it to her but she has no intentions of ever letting people see it.

There is footage out there, just locked away.

I'll have you know he represents some of the best clients in the biz!

I'll throw this out there: I think Time Crimes is overrated.

You reminded me how good all those songs are. And how I secretly like the Deftones cover of Drive by The Cars.