Michael Lee

The reason this policy is being enforced isn't because people get injured on the sidewalk. It's primarily because morons walk into oncoming traffic because they're too busy texting to look both ways. Obviously my colleagues don't run around issuing tickets to say, the high school students texting while walking in

Due to the high volume of traffic flowing in and out of Fort Lee (due to the George Washington Bridge), pedestrians get struck by vehicles quite often. Whether the pedestrian was distracted or the driver was is on a case-by-case basis, but there are enough accidents to warrant such an action from PD.

Please enlighten me as to how we are to distinguish between the morons and the arrogant ones who think they better than everyone else when issuing tickets? Because I would love to know.

I work for the town as an EMT. And I live there. And I'm not stupid. This law wasn't created by us. PD was already able to issue tickets for dangerous behavior while walking, which primarily involved jaywalking. They just decided to include texting as well due to the steadily increasing number of accidents involving

How is this a violation of your free speech rights? Is banning texting while driving a violation of your free speech rights as well? Not even close. If you want to text, just stop walking.

Haha. I'm employed by the Borough. I work as an EMT for Fort Lee Ambulance. I'm going to start giving my colleagues at PD a hard time by walking to them while texting. Trololol.

@m1ndtr1p: 1: it's lighter to carry around (slightly). 2: it's easier to hold. 3: it's easier to type on.

@Brad Kalinoski: agreed. this review is garbage and this is coming from another tech journalist here.

is it time for colombia to do some celebratory tea-bagging?

scv ready to go, sir.

@jd: actually, sugar is needed in moderated amounts for a balanced diet. sugar isn't bad for you unless you gorge yourself on halloween candy.

Tony Pratchett may *write* a mean fantasy novel...

Mythbusters did this also, except Adam Savage dipped his hand into molten lead, not liquid nitrogen.

what about mr. fantastic? if you know the original comic series, he's made portals to other dimensions!

@roninpenguin: michael bay ruined transformers...the original cartoon movie from 1986 was epic. not to mention the original series.

i think playing 5 seconds of Rick Astley would make them wake up in a hurry with a fit of rage.

I never rage at my gadgets cause I rarely have problems and I can troubleshoot the few that I get. (I use Windows, Linux, and Android btw). But I do rage a crapload when I'm playing video games. God damn campers make me cry myself to sleep. Thank God I don't know them in real life, cause I would go Assassin's Creed on