
I agree. Bad training in my opinion. IF there was anyone in there they are already dead. So for arguments sake let’s say the taxi is empty. Set a perimeter to keep people away, wait for the engines to get there with water. Why place yourself in danger when no lives are at stake.

Frankly, I am not sure what is more stupid .. not wearing your seatbelt or passing at high speed on the right ..

They literally grabbed the 3 fugliest ones on the first go-round.

Yep. The celebration of this is truly fucking disgusting.

No, fuck this guy. The cop is doing his job, you got a problem with that take it up with his CO. I didn’t like the bread at the bakery this morning, so let me go ahead and drop kick the cashier.

Would you like to purchase any additional insurance?

Welcome to big government, Doofus.

Wow, I didn’t realize had that much influence in 2012. That’s why he is president today I guess.

I’m far more shocked that the NY Times did some actual investigative reporting.

dafuq bro?

and I want to know what the hell all these people do to afford this stuff.

BREAKING: The average person doesn’t budget and keep adequate track of their finances.

Oh, good idea! Let me just get a job at Jalopnik and start doing that. Or they could have just not fired Sean Macdonald and kept a good moto journalist on staff. Because Lanesplitter right now is shit. It has been since Sean stopped working here.

<calls entire country stupid while using poor/lazy grammar and questionably cohesive sentences>

Doesn’t matter, it’s his property that was stolen, and jalop is only furthering theft which makes other facebook pages and that one keep doing it which DOES affect real content creators. Hey maybe that kid wanted to license that video for a few hundred bucks? Nope, too bad already went viral from stolen videos on

not really no, video theft to facebook is a serious issue for content creators. I’ve had videos ripped before and had to DMCA them. To have a media organization not put ANY effort into finding an original source is part of the problem.

These posts are getting old. “Man parks collection of fire trucks in front of house” “man parks airplane in driveway”. Can we stop defending these people? They are any eyesore, and they make the neighborhood look like a circus, which hurts house prices. What’s so wrong with neighbors trying to maintain their house

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)