Weegee's Bored


Sounds like a job for Marcus Bachmann. Or Pinocchio.


Hi. Old hack newspaperman here (a "journalist" being a "newspaperman" who's out of a job). My friend Ed once was night managing editor of a small Connecticut daily. The main takeaway from that experience was becoming one of the very few newspaper editors who actually got to yell "stop the presses!"

What makes you think there's a shred of truth to it? Gawker is obvs acting at the behest of the government to hide the hero's true identity.

Actually, I meant it as written. It's an archaic term meaning vengeful. I was quoting Denholm Elliot from "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Referring to the city succombing "to a sandstorm that lasted an entire year. Wiped clean by the wroth of God." Or something like that.

wiped clean by the wroth of God.

My grade school friends and I suffered pretty good at the hands of the Catholic priests and nuns — it was an earlier era when they got away with beating children with yardsticks for talking in class. I just love watching priests going down now for their self-righteous hypocrisy. The Hansen thing is in the same line.

This is wonderful. It lacks only the camera crew leaping out of the bushes to ambush him.

Hansen's voiceovers are incredibly creepy. He combines Diane Sawyer smarmy with Rod Serling (or the Geico dude imitating him) I-know-something-you-don't.

Let's bring back Shakespeare with her.

What used to be an elevator pitch is now a transporter beam pitch. If you can't explain it in two and a half seconds, go away.

Good words to remember for many reasons.

All the aforementioned notwithstanding, I've never been treated better in any store ever, and I've been stranded on this planet a long fucking time.

This will remind old New York City liberals of the local Democratic party in the 50s and 60s, when everyone was totally engaged in intramural pissing contests.

It's amazing!


You left out the site where my star and I have been stroking one another for the past not-quite-four years. Who needs anything else to waste time on? And as I look around at screen names I see I'm hardly the only one who long ago decided where they would be ruining their eyesight. Praise Denton and pass the Visine.

Have you gotten to Mandy Patinkin's "Over the Rainbow?"

Well, okay. When I lived in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, in the 1980s, I used to shop at this particular Korean-owned grocery/fruit/vegetable market across the street from a housing project. One day I went in there in the morning unshaven, in an old gray hoodie and tattered jeans, just having come from the gym. The owner