
Because the person recounting the story to you doesn’t actually remember it correctly. He meets her when he’s on vacation and she’s working as his housekeeper. She leaves when he comes to the end of his vacation. And he immediately starts to learn Portuguese in order to speak to her. A year later, after not having

I hate romcoms. Hate them. Fuck your Bridget Jones’s Diary. Screw your stupid Sweet Home Alabama. Your Jerry Maguire. Your Maid in Manhattan. But I love this movie. Unabashedly.

Somebody in Alabama did something stupid and offensive. Don’t blame the guy for getting excited over huge breaking news.

I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.

oh fuck. i didn’t know that. i guess i should say i’m glad she’s physically ok. even without knowing about the rape, mentally there’s gonna be some damage and i hope she eventually finds some peace.

you need her to watch paris is burning. Its on youtube. ASAP

When I make it, I forgo milk and double the butter to make it nice and sticky. And then proceed to eat the entire boxful. I love that stuff so much.

Is it going too far to say that I hope that that pseudoscience peddling, smelling her own farts loving, bullshit fearmongering witch gets some kind of non lethal, non crippling but really annoying medical affliction, like endless plantar fasciitis?

Honestly, I don’t want to see shit food babe has to say about anything.

Mary Fallin signed a law requiring welfare recipients to get drug-tested to receive food stamps. She talks constantly about self-reliance, personal responsibility, and cutting government waste. It’s rather noteworthy that her children are living on the taxpayers of the state, in an arrangement that in Christina’s case

but the reality is that males go topless whereas females can’t even wear crop tops.

My mom would never agree to make that promise. I love her, but she is kind of creepy sometimes.

Hold up, hold up... "You didn't do feminism right" says the person who admitted that going to a strip club adds to the objectification of woman (but, like, only the strippers, not your friends, nobody better look at your friends) and especially that the chosen club had a history of treating their dancers like shit.

Billy Corgan used to look kind of scary..now he looks adorable.

He's a truly American man, one who, instead of sitting on his ass while on vacation, turned it into work.

Now playing

Oh, I know that feel, girl. Apparently, I bawled my eyes out when my dad shaved his beard. Legend has it that he was so scarred by my sad little baby tears that he never shaved it again...