
I'm so sorry for your loss. That poor family.

Of all the puns on all the posts in the gawker media universe, this was my favourite.

Ir was really stupid. But from what I understand this isn’t the first time kids have done this, so the fact others succeeded could have led to a false sense of security. Thank you for still acknowledging it is sad because it is.

This isn’t Darwinism. This is teenaged boys and their teenaged brains at work. Most of us escape our teen years having done something stupid that could have killed us. It’s a sad story and the fact that these boys were brothers compounds that tragedy.

Absolutely. The defense attorney has not brought up their past or in any way suggested they deserve to be assaulted. But both witnesses flat out lied on the stand and that damages their credibility. We do have presumption of innocence in Canada too.

She's the female Robbie Williams.

Also, (middle school teacher here) you can assign people “ship” names which of course is what Shefani is, and this all started with Bennifer and Brangelina. We reap what we sow.

I had no idea all this happened a year later which actually makes way more sense and I can stop being judgey about LiamNeeson’s character moving on so quickly after his wife’s death.

Just beware - London is in the snow belt. Perhaps you should also look at Kitchener-Waterloo which is also close to Startford, but closer to Toronto (and the airport) and with much friendlier weather.

I like your way better now that you've said it.

My 18 year old daughter declared that Nicki had “thrown shade” at Miley and I immediately pounced as a loyal Shade Court reader. I take the misuse quite seriously. Unfortunately, I was unable to persuade her that her use of the word shade was wrong, because apparently, I have no knowledge of how linguistics evolve,