Mary Banilow

I confirm that you’re a douche nozzle.

Seriously? You are fucking out there! At least Junior’s daddy didn’t take him around to foreign countries to get him a seats on company boards.

And also the shitty job Barry the Magic Negro was doing as well.

She probably was smelling one of Behar’s farts.

It’s because you’re reading in ‘dumbass’.

Especially when he pwned that fat pig Behar on her wearing blackface, and Nappy Whoopie acted like she could give her a ghetto pass for it.

What’s hilarious and depressing for you liberal schmucks is that he won’t be leaving the WH until 2025!

2020 Beeyotch!

Triggered like your mother when I fingered her butthole. Keep throwing around those buzzwords that get the liberals all riled.

Here’s to your mother wiping the snotty end of my fuckstick.

And he’s still in the WH and going to be there until 2025. Get used to it!


When this impeachment falls flat like all the other bullshit, can’t wait for your head to explode. TRUMP/PENCE 2020!

And dumbfucks like you don’t get it.

Personally, you can go piss up a rope, you fucking deluded moron.

I guess that is why he’s President, fuckface.