Michael Ginzburg

Since when?

Some of us viewers are'nt even from the US :)

This show is so bad, it's gone past good and back to bad again.

The most overrated pilot I've seen in years. Nothing special. Just watch Real Humans insted.

Cause what? the alternative is better? you're just another stupid Trump voter, I feel sorry for you.

Brilliant episdoe, A+

Funny and charming. great writing, cool pilot.

There's gonna be a Netflix show called EL CHAPO in 2017 so no need for Narcos season 3.

''unsatisfying finale''? what? it was a perfect finale. Masterpiece.

Well, that's sexist. Stupid American.


You're wrong

''If you were like 10 percent less black, I would make you president''

You should, it's a much better season, the C+ kinda stupid, mpre like B+

Why can't I find episodes 11, 12, 13?

What's with the C+ for season 2? I'm 4 episodes in and it feels like a better season than the first oneā€¦

You don't got a point. Amy will be around for long, haters (mostly men) can eat her shorts

You don't got a point. Amy will be around for long, haters (mostly men) can eat her shorts!


I remember watching the first 3 episodes of this crap show. Still feel sick of the thought of how awful was it.