Michael Ginzburg


They probably voting for Trump.

Well, not every episode gotta be ''clever and emotionally rewarding'', this one was funny for the sake of fun.

Casual could've been better, something's missing about it.

''Neither of us have a chance of making it''

Suicide is not the answer usually

I hope Netflix will give her a show ASAP :)

Strike 2 - brilliant frame

I can't find my charger.

Shut up, they got good movie.

I love your reviews! thanks for the coverage! peace from Tel Aviv :)

Great first episode, hope AV Club will post an A+ review…

There was a completely different episode, I don't understand what happened.

''I've never seen someone get rejected so many times in a row, how are you still alive?''

''Then Ed gets home and we realize Peggy has been talking at a tied up Dodd this whole time, much to his chagrin.'' We're seeing Dodd before the illusion.

''Father Gabriel posts signs for a prayer circle; Rick tears them down.
I’m not much for religion but even I think that was a dick move.'' well, religion = humanity's dickest move ever, so…

You could see he was confused at first and than simply enjoeid it, no
rape. A man forcing himself upon tied up in chains woman - that's rape
cause she aint gonna enjoy it.

Funny how it was sooo obvious Bob and Linda set the all thing up.

In the flashback, one of victims could've just bite the freakin neck of the hotel owner and be saved.