Michael Cody

Me too

I am lorde ya ya ya

Long live The Mountain!


That's pretty clever

Face it, Maggie's a shit-person

I used to hate the show. I wouldn't say hate-watched it but it just seemed so bad in the first two seasons. For me personally it picked up when they found the prison.

Pay them?

and that couple rick and carol found called them skin eaters or something.

Boring episode

That was great. If I did one it would be the story of a guy gaining weight and slowly dying at his desk at work.

Love their love of wrestling

Heaven's missing an Angel stick

Just terrible.

Was that Liza Minnelli in the dog park?
Was that Lucelle Austero in the dog park?

It's funnier than Archer this season.

I love all the episodes that show how crappy of a person (dog person) Brian is.