
To the other commenters point of radio in the location, assuming said individual was smart enough to not continuously do it the odds of getting caught are minimal at best.

I think people are vastly overestimating the amount of damage this has done to the VW brand. This is ‘Muuurica people. Just wait for another shooting at a school to happen and no one will even remember dieselgate except the meme.

This will never get old.

Yep. Almost every time I walk away from mine. First car I’ve ever been proud of owning.

I couldn’t stomach paying that much for an SUV. I’ll stick with a ‘05 Tahoe and use the savings to put towards the Porsche rather than drop $90k on an SUV that’ll be turned in five years from now.

This same statement can be said about the Kardishians....

Yes, I’m well aware of earning a spread. But ignoring risk profiles is ignorant. I prefer to not be the 90% of stock investors who think they are better than the average investor. I’ll stick with real property and low risk profile and be content with what I have. I don’t need 8% a year in the stock market because I’m

I’m sitting at 792 without any home mortgages, but had one auto loan for 3 months when I was 18. Other than that, all generated through credit cards.

And for the people that want to play that game, good for them. But the realities of the how much people are leveraging themselves is disconnected from this article. +$1.0T in student loan debt is why I can’t fathom how we continuously recommend the leveraging aspect of personal finance. Furthermore, this idea that the

Lol, had to laugh at the educational moment (CPA with degree in Finance). Yes, I could go out today and take a loan at 2% on a car instead of paying in cash so that I could turn around and invest the $50k making (insert bogus market % return rate here because all financial planners/asset managers generate alpha

Being built for the knowledge that people gain from activities like this. There are all kinds of projects which on the surface provide little benefit, but this allows the company to try and find new technologies or ways of doing things that will transfer to other lines of business.

I’m going to have ton concur with this. The advice in the article completely misses the point that some of us are financially set such that we do not need debt to continue living our lives. I plan on making financial decisions that preclude the need to be able to take out an auto loan. I would say the MAJORITY of the

Invalid logic.

I fully support the purchase of the VW Jetta. I think they’re great cars and damn reliable and the best part is VW is willing to cheat so you get great prices and great MPG. Who can argue with that?!?

Bernie is such a crock IDK why he has power anymore. But welcome to professional sports where people don’t know what exit & voice are and keep holding out their dollar bills like it’s paper....oh wait.

Have you looked at Subarus sales lately? Me thinks no. I’m sure the STi isn’t far from getting the FA20 motor in it either. I’m not sure why everyone slams Subaru so much for the EJ257 when it’s a tough piece of machinery that is still selling vehicles for them.

I can’t stand how many people have this need to purchase a litre bike over a 600. I started riding dirt bikes when I was 4 and hopped onto a YZ450F when I was 13 standing a miniscule 5’4”. When I turned 18 and bought myself a street bike I didn’t even glance at the litre bikes. I see people who have never been on a

Talk about a misleading title. I was expecting an actual car collection, not cast models. That’s cool if he is into that kind of stuff, whatever floats his fancy.

Could the cockpit windows be any smaller?!? I’m not sure how anyone can see out of that thing. Reminds me of Cruella Devil’s car.

As a ‘15 STi owner I agree. I haven’t been in an EVO, but I know my STi’s interior isn’t anything to write home about.