michael arazan

Just needed a copy of Zork I next to it imo, played that game for hours on end.

Same here with U-Verse and their crappy dvr's

I was expecting Alexa to be hacked and someone start talking to Dom in Alexa's UI voice and answering her questions without Dom knowing, or maybe knowing and going along with it because she liked someone being there

We need jack reacher on this.

She looks like a 13 year old emo girl who cuts herself now.

It might be 10 pm on the coast but in the Midwest and mountain time it is shown at 9 pm, as the 9 pm show was at 8pm central/ mountain

Irish Catholic in the Midwest, this show does not represent any one of the families I know or grew up with, they were all very tolerant.

I have never seen a comedian laugh so much at all his own jokes on his own show the way Trevor does. Stewart didn't laugh for 5seconds after every punchline he delivered on his own jokes.

Probably had a bad reaction to all the GMO corn products, hfcs, and other frankenfood here.

Just because she's loud, doesn't make her funny. She tries though, she started off weak last season, first half was rough, and ended strong.

Sounds like a reboot of clerks

This needs to be made but in St.Louis

Hader is the only reason I watch it. He' s one of my favorite SNL actors ever, and his imitations are brilliant. I thought TNC hired him as a parody when he started introducing movies and background s for set up before they started a classic movie, but it was all serious.

I loathe taylor swift, hope her pretentious elitist self falls hard down the downward spiral of Western society she's causing, along with others like Paltrow and Bieber. Swift single handedly destroyed country music and Turing it into pop.