
Can we, as so-called “progressives,” please stop buying “fast fashion?” Which is literally and figuratively the equivalent of fast food for clothing retail. We can do better as a consumer society.

Felicity Huffman is just the latest entrant for a long list of “failing” or “falling” up examples of white privilege escaping actual consequences for their awful choices. Nicolle Wallace, Claire McCaskill, Brian Williams, and the entire cast of The Lincoln Project, from Steve Schmidt (an incestuous Wallace

What really enrages me is that blue states were largely proactive in their early efforts to contain the virus, but we’re now subject to further restrictions because of the recalcitrance from the red states to adhere to the barest minimum of the social contract to mitigate it. We could ostensibly be returning to

As a physical bicycle enthusiast, I have never understood stationary cycling. It is literally pedaling to nowhere. And also a cult. Peloton wives are a scary thing.

I have almost always assiduously avoided palm oil primarily for my own health. And that it was a deeper problem was always in the back of my mind. The blind truth is almost always worse than we know. Americans really need to be more aware of and about their/our consumer choices.

There is so much to respond here, but I’ll just start at the top.

This was the best jaundiced-eyed recap in weeks here. Keeping Up with the Namastes.

Not to mention that Thomas Chatterton Williams—the three name parody speaks for itself—was responsible for that recent silly letter in Harpers Magazine decrying “cancel culture,” with 150 signatures of essentially writers of privilege. And Bari Weiss—the woman who cancelled herself, btw—chief among them.

Then again, in this same Real Clear Politics interview, Ivanka Trump embraced being labeled a “populist,” so perhaps words just don’t mean anything anymore.

“Footing the pill?” We know he’s on Adderall. But proofreading.

It is not aging well at all. Especially with so many contradictory “fashion” statements to obscure some obviously bad personal health choices.


I’m inspired and amazed when people still advocate for, and actively pursue unions and collective bargaining. Especially in these pandemic challenged times. Power to them, and wishing the best for the win.

We had many opportunities to correct political imbalances, but sadly threw them away, complacent as we were with the Obama presidency. We unfortunately placed our hand and future with old white people, (read men, in general). And we’re now suffering the consequences.

Considering what he eats every day, I think she would be fazed, but obviously for different reasons.

Hell hath no fury like the end of a lesbian relationship. As a gay, I’ve been on the ear-end of so many.

The country is literally and figuratively burning to the ground, and yet another worthless post about something or other Jenner and or Kardashian. While millions of Americans are out of work, and barely eking by. Please stop it already.

Not to mention that it is morbidly tone deaf in the middle of a pandemic. As if it wasn’t before. Also, this Klan would have been completely irrelevant if not for O.J. Simpson. So there’s that.

The grifters see the writing on the wall... Spencer is the most odious recent defection of the right fleeing the sinking ship. He perhaps sees the opening vacated by George Conway. They’re all awful, by the way. Just remember... Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace “gifted” us Sarah Palin. 

The link to the essay actually links to Seinfeld’s NYT op-ed.