Micah 李 文 Jung

I saw the movie and read the books. or reading the second book. For Bonzo I liked it. but they removed a ton of stuff and it didnt help with the author gays thats the majority of your fans! HELLO. He should have kept his mouth shut! The story was good but I felt they could have done more with making the story

How is mOrtal instruments the first movie a cash in? You do know the cast in Shadowhunters are going to be English. Did you see the main actor playing Jace his ten times uglier! plus Simone wasnt supposed to be too hot

How was it gross?

but isnt that purpose of Batman it is creepy and also fanastical like the Mad hatter

Harry Potter set the bar for YA Novels please! Heck people fail to realize it was becuase of the marketing and the fact the books where coming out and people were exciting to see Harry come to life! Then everybody expects it almost to a T like Harry Potter. People forget Rowling based her novels on Cackels Academy