
Sooo. Is there ANY point to this? Do they have dino-ninja MMA fights or something?


Why does it even matter? Because you have some puritanical delusion about having zero national debt? The Clinton admin started to pay down the debt and Bush turned around and gave it to the top 1% in tax cuts. If you want to eliminate the debt fund social safety net programs (along with a $15 minimum wage to end

Where did you get the idea that you can line-item where your tax dollars go? If that was the case the military budget be closer to Canada’s and teachers would be the highest paid profession.

How many of you dissing Avatar thought Captain America and Avengers 2 were great movies? Thought so. Your opinions are worth dog shit.

Still not enough. I want Pandora to be my Oculus or HTV Vive VR home page (world) and I want to have to tame a rowdy egret and fly through some floating rock-vines to get to my email.

The few remaining climate change survivors will look back at us like we look at the “good Germans” who allowed themselves to be lied to about where the Jews were going. But worse. Even the big climate change organizations are lying to themselves about the extent of whats coming. They’re ignoring Charles Hansen’s

DARPA’s purpose is to make the military look like Apple. They’ve moved onto “androids” because they’re full of BS and its a cover story for real weapons programs. Look at FOIA military docs from the 80s or 90s. They had holographic helmet displays even back then. If they are showing an android trying to walk it means

This is nothing more than a Rover with grass clippers and a chainsaw. In what way (or world) is this useful? The amount of energy a CHAINSAW alone would use makes the concept seem questionable completely made up. Admit it. DARPA is sugar coated PR press for the military. The “EATR” was intended purely for blog clicks

1. Why did this non-story get near universal media attention?

Use finger nail clippers.

I was expecting more poop stories.

Great way to get kids to lay off junk food forever!

With Rupert Murdoch owning it the noteworthy stuff won’t be the stories they push but the ones they censor. Don’t expect any headline catching covers on global warming anytime soon.

A fact is not a “scare tactic”.

Pork might not be a bug but all the extra protein probably comes from all the parasites its loaded with.

And if you were raised to eat your morning bm for breakfast and nobody told you different you’d have a wide sh** eating grin right now.

More social conditioning. People don’t eat bugs for a reason.

And by “nowhere fast” you mean its already a billion-dollar industry forecast to sell 3 million headsets next year.

There’s lots of texture on the dino’s skin. It just looks like those glass marbles at the bottom of a fish tank. The problem is it looks like a lame stuffed dinosaur animal. Seeing a stuffed animal act real...with a “pet” boy is kinda strange, imo.