
It is pretty messed up that they would air the documentary without his consent.

I’m from Miami and played in games like this. Especially at Traz-Powell we’d have full police escort to from & during games. Depending on what teams were playing you may get treated to two shootouts

“This would have never happened if the refs had been carrying guns” - Donald Trump

Well that’s disappointing.

And how about the 4 defensive penalties called on the last Duke drive and the mystery rushing touchdown on duke’s last play that we never got to see a down the line replay? They tried to give it to Duke first

I sort of like a world where Duke gets the shaft from the refs.

If Duke did this to Miami it would lead every highlight reel for the next decade.

Seeing how the refs are part-time employees and the players aren’t paid, I don’t really give a shit over who got hosed.

Still milder than the spikes that Darren Sharper dished out.