OK, sure, but what about all the good things Dave Portnoy does and stands for?
OK, sure, but what about all the good things Dave Portnoy does and stands for?
Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.
I was also a preadolescent Garfield worshiper. If you want some good, old-fashioned nightmare fuel, I highly suggest checking this shit out.
Agreed in all points. The issue in 2014 was USATF, which is and has been a dumpster fire.
It speaks to the respect she commanded that other runners refused to race the 1500 until the committee treated her fairly in that dispute. Most competitors in individual competitions do not stick their necks out like that.
Salazar is a slimy, seedy group and any runner attached to him is dirty, if not technically so,…
Remarkable, and amazing, that she had the strength and courage to compete at such a high level for so long while dealing with cancer.
And it needs to be shouted from the rooftops again and again: This is not an unintentional consequence of FOSTA/SESTA. This was the goal. The goal was always to keep sex workers marginalized and frightened so that they could be easily abused and exploited. “Protection” was always a smokescreen. This is, and has always…
well no mama Berenstain bear is a bear
I’ll say to you what I said to Phantom, who made the same comment, before he apparently dismissed my response(?):
If you can’t see any difference between Lamar Odom using a giant rubber black cock to excrete someone else’s piss so that his marijuana habit goes undetected, and a state-sponsored-and-operated effort to both provide athletes with performance-enhancing drugs and avoid positive tests, I don’t know how to help you.
This comment will never be able to receive the number of stars it deserves. Bra-fucking-vo.
Sephiroth was a sled!
And they said the height of British navel supremacy ended years ago.
If the front runner in the Democratic Party is not a Democrat, maybe not being a Democrat is a good thing. Maybe that indicates just how down the tubes the Democrat brand is.
“They didn’t believe in you! No one thought you would do it and you proved ALL the haters wrong. He’s too big. He’s too old. His time is up and he’ll never reach as high as he did earlier in his career. And yet, here you are, once again, lighting up the sky. Congrats, big man.”
-Tom Brady, every morning to the sun
I don’t understand the narrative that people doubted this team could win. I don’t think anyone doubted that. I think far more people were resigned to that fact, disgusted by the inevitability, but no one doubted it.
I hate to say it but, that not actually true, since the 1970s. You just copyright it as choreography.
Elephant delivery never really caught on.
That’s what Little Caesars did to their rival, Little Hannibals.