
you forgot the Ludovico Technique part. that’s important.


This is the best response to the ‘smile more’ encouragement.

Someday it’ll be SuperTrain’s time...

If you paint artwork, here’s something that no one ever told me in all my decades of art and art classes:

I assume that a lot of the appeal is the film masters “the uncanny”. A hotel denuded of guests; the familiar brands in the pantry in industrial-bulk containers; inexplicable and bizarre spectres whose appearance merely hints at a sordid backstory left to the viewer’s imagination.

Jesus Christ, he’s never read the Phoenix Saga.

And dig the shopkeeper in the background. He goes from “Hey that dude with the chocolate is one smooth operator!” to “OH MY GOD THE HORROR WHAT HAVE I JUST WITNESSED?!?!”

I’ll put it this way: what makes Raiders great, and also Star Wars and Empire, is the mix of ‘30s adventure serial/pulp thrills with a post-Watergate world-weariness and anti-establishment cynicism. Indiana Jones is an antihero, basically a thief. He makes his living selling relics to museums while pretending to be a

Thanks I hate it.

Oh f&*k!

Spielberg’s Tintin was the third best Indiana Jones film ever made. 

Ah Milou, t’es un beau chien.

Leaving Snowy off the list is a crime against humanity.

They do say it’s only from movies and TV, but I would still imagine the Spielberg basis is sufficient basis.

No Snowy, are you even god damn serious

How on earth could you forget Snowy from the Tintin series?

Avengers: Age of Ultron introduced the deeply troubling, reductive idea that Black Widow saw herself as a monster because of the Red Room procedure that rendered her sterile (though some debate this).