
The bigger question is why didn’t the parents notice that the Marty they raised (you know the one who was there when they bought the truck for him - the one raised by the cool parents - the one who just left for 1955 last night at the Lone Pine Mall) is not this Marty. There is no possible way that “cool parents


Now imagine the River Phoenix sequence stretched to a full length movie. That would be Solo terrible. I know I would hate it. Having said that, if Solo was a 10 minute short just hitting all the origin bits one after another, it might be an enjoyable little romp.

It’s great! Went to see it presented at Symphony Space in NY a few months ago when we were allowed to do such things.

“genre” movies - so sci-fi or fantasy. But I like your list!

You’d think they’d want to show the “hole” side because that’s the side that would actually hold some syrup. You a waffle...

Thanks so much!

70% water and 30% doors.

Um...about Silent Running...

Allz I know is those Charmin Bears ain’t making it out of this alive.

I mean have you ever even really seen a lava lamp? Yeah I didn’t think so.

Yes, but have we thought about the implications?

If Robin was a lobster there would have been a far different outcome...

Apropos of nothing, but am I the only one who used to get a strong Juliette Lewis vibe from some of Mark McKinney’s female characters?

Um, yes... yes I do. But I’m actually talking about the time that Adam Driver saved our Christmas. What a guy!

The same thing happened to me!