
But what does he think of the MCU?

Greener Grass

I did not know that. I stand corrected.

Since Jordan Peele is getting shouted out all over the place, remember when he was passed over to play Barack Obama and SNL gave it over to Fred Armisen?

So, why does Rey look like Hillary Swank?

Skynet is a massive loser no matter how you look at it. If it sends the T-800 back Kyle Reese follows thus creating its own destroyer. If it doesn’t send the T-800 back it removes its own origin from history thus erasing itself from existence. There’s just no way for Skynet to win - kinda tragic honestly.

“Boneless chicken? How did it walk?”
- Oscar Madison

Thank God, Rick and Morty have nothing to do with this.

You seem to be saying that the origin of Skynet in T1 is different than the origin of Skynet in T2. I don’t think that is the case at all. I think the alternate future starts in the middle of T2, the moment that Sarah decides to kill Dyson. 

Yes. I understand that. But I view it as Sarah becoming the terminator of Skynet. Just as the T-800 tried to erase John by killing John’s mother, Sarah’s plan was to erase Skynet by killing its father (Dyson). I don’t recall anyone saying anything about alternate timelines or that Skynet was created by anything other

I never had the impression that Skynet was created by anything other than Cyberdyne using the remains of the T-800. It’s like a dual creation. The T-800 goes back to terminate Sarah. Fails. But ends up being the father of Skynet. Reese goes back to protect Sarah. Succeeds. And ends up being the father of John. If

You’re thinking of “The Omen”

Not only that, but having a character named “Sam Loomis” in both movies is another link between “Psycho” and “Halloween”

“Brains, Brains and Automobiles”

“Hello, Agnes? Put me through to the internet.”

You’re right! They just cheated us! This isn’t fair! SHE DID’NT GET UP FROM THE COCK - A - DOODIE FLOOR! 

We seem to have a lot in common. There’s this terrible restaurant in my town, but every time I pass it I can’t help but go inside and order something! I think I eat there just to post my disgust online. I think I may have a problem. Where do you eat?

Same here! Every time this came on it caused a shiver right up my spine! But I was 13 years old!