
Even if this was a classic troll job, it was an interesting and thought provoking troll job at least.

It was a medical supply animatronic cat. Like the ones made for dementia patients.

I was lucky enough to go to see this last night. It was very very impressive! Here is the playbill.

“Hotel for Dogs,” but for perverts.

They are fond of the effects of alcohol.

Yup. It was called Gus.

In a way anti-vax culture bears some similarities to anti-gay culture. There seems to be such a strong connection between parental pride in their children and in their children’s ability to be successful in team sports that the thought of their children being bad at or disinterested in sports fills them with the

Fun fact! The critters in the fritters are actually people!

Get yourself a prescritpion for Oxybutyni. I have the same problem and it worked like a charm. It might take a few days to fully kick in. A daily 20mg dose works well for me.

I see that Certain Dri has been mentioned here already. If your problem is only in the armpits it’s great. Note that Certain Dri now has 3 different versions. The one named “Certain Dri Prescription Strength Clinical” is the one with Aluminum Chloride. It works great, but might take a few nights of application before

Still gives me goosebumps...

What the hell is a SPACE FQRCE???

Doesn’t everyone just keep their keys inside the car, on top of the sun visor? That’s where they are in, like, every movie and tv show I ever watched.

The first time I watched Blue Velvet was back when it first appeared on VHS and I rented a copy from Blockbuster. I put it on and stretched out on the sofa and was enjoying it but I was super tired and I dozed off. Later, I woke up and gazed at Dean Stockwell lip synching into a drop light and I was so baffled at what

I saw Joanna at Drunk Science a couple of weeks ago and I asked her if she was going to do any “Joanna Explains ____ in 60 Seconds” videos for this years Oscars and she said she didn’t think so. They were so much fun last year. Sucks that she’s not here any more.

He has dead eyes.

You could also add Doctor Strange to the McAdams series of films where she’s involved with a time traveler.

So... is your title targeting...