
He delivered a pizza to me once. In high school. While I was in class. The teacher got mad and handed out my pizza to random students in class. I didn’t even get a slice. What a dick!

I was really meh on tofu (and kale and brown rice, for that matter) until I found this deliciousness.

Arthur “Two Sheds” Jackson agrees

Just do it. There is no try.

Except for the poor bird who can only swim. Tossed out of the sled without an umbrella/parachute by an elf who thought he could fly. Tragic.

But he brought a snorkel with him!

I’ve seen Halloween many times over the years and just went to see it in a theater for the first time a few days ago. I also made a connection to Jaws while watching the Michael driven station wagon cruising menacingly through the daytime streets.

100% agreed. It can’t be bargained with. It does not care. Such a Lovecraftian creature. Pure nightmare. Plus I love that it’s clear goo when it arrives and turns red after it’s first victim is consumed.

I think I’ve reached a point where I believe that those who think they were dead all along are either trolling or stupid. In either case the only answer is “you’re right, now go away.”

Battle Royale with Cheese

Never take spellcheck for granite.

You know what? If there are really people out there that still think that Lost ended up being about a bunch of dead people all the way through, I’ve decided that there is nothing that can be done to change their minds at this point. So yes you’re right. They were dead. They all died in the plane crash. Let us never

My belief goes like this:
Life on other planets - Yes
Intelligent life on other planets - Maybe
Intelligent life from other planets who have visited our planet - No

Even the idea of intelligent life on another planet which hasn’t been wiped out by a stray asteroid or by an event of their own doing or any other possible

Not a Pig Man... He’s just a fat little mental patient.

I think the original was actually quite funny. “Look what your brother did to the door! Ain’t he got no pride in his home?” C’mon. That’s hilarious!

Wow! That brings back memories of elementary school in Linden, NJ in the 70's. Were we schoolmates?

I see someone who hasn’t seen “Tiptoes”...

Jon Hamm

I remember disliking the ending at the first time I saw the movie. I didn’t mind the military appearing. I liked the personal horror of the sacrifice being unnecessary. I just didn’t like the mist clearing as well. That felt like too much coincidence, until I read someone’s analysis that Mrs. Carmody may have been