
Thank you...finally someone gets it lol

They’re giving you 2 sets of drag radials essentially. You can run skinnies at the track (Dodge will offer a set of skinnies), on the fronts. This makes your fronts a spare set of DRs.

Clearly 2576 pounds of torque at 3500 rpm.

Corners? Where were going, we don’t need corners.

How about this - do your fucking job and leave the political and social commentary to your weekends when you aren’t in the office. Lucky someone hasn’t sued your ass for hostile workplace. Jackass.

I have yet to meet a driver who doesn’t drive for both services. Rates low on Uber? Lyft for the next couple hours, and vice versa.

Now playing

What are you talking about? The Ford GT sounds like it’s fueled by Taco Bell.

Skip to 1:37:

I’m aware of that, but it seems like more and more of them have smaller engines nowadays, that’s what I’m annoyed about. Even Formula 1 has sad little engines now— 1.6L V6's.

False news alert. It’s a Mirage.

This just in:

Soon to be renamed the Environmental Performance Agency, all those cute little animals will have to start covering costs or to the Smithsonian they go

*imagines a garage where two Porsches, a Singer 911 and a Panamera wagon, are parked next to each other*

If he doesn’t move the car from it’s spot.

Yawn, call me when they reach Double Secret Ludicrous mode...

Can we just switch to the alternate future from the Fallout games, but with less war and more internet? I’m OK with nuclear-powered cars and Nuka-Cola and robot slaves.

Yo skay I heard you like ships shipping ships so I got you a ship shipping ship shipping shipping ships

If you ever urinate 200 lbs at once, please see a doctor.