
Stanced Toyota RAV3


Very Jezebel-ean of a story this is.

Mr. Henn also has trouble with babies refusing to give up their candy. Gee I can’t imagine why this guy would ever get ridiculed.

Because Americans are great at finishing what the Germans start.

Because most cars don’t have room for two V8s.

Because four-cylinder engines are for pinko commies, that’s why.

Because the the government won’t sell us a Saturn V rocket for that purpose.

Why do Americans like to put V8's in everything? Why do American’s love Bourbon? Football? Baseball? Muscle cars? Bacon? Guns? Beer?

so we can make shit go faster than it did stock. next question?

This truly made my morning. What a fitting end to a truly reprehensible person. Do not RIP Fidel, Do not.

I also miss Tyler Rogoway.

I really LOVE the not-politically correct Donald! ...Taiwan is a good ally of the western nations, and a sizable economic power. Pretending it doesn’t exist, is just idiotic and the great People’s Republic of China will have to deal with it, just supposed they still want to go on manufacturing our iPhones and such!

And if Trump did not accept the call from President Tsai Ing-wen, the press would be calling him a puppet for China.

“ has compiled more than seven hours of highway driving into a dataset that the public can download.”

I got here as soon as I could

Why doesn’t the car on the car have a car on it?

The message is clear: the TruCoat is strapped on at the factory, and cannot be removed.

This is why some people don’t like HAM.