
The fuck?

It’s like someone was given a press packet, and told “reword this so you sound like an idiot trying to be funny”.

... not exactly a great piece. Seems like it’s trying to hard to be what it is. Which is a trash post. Give us an actual review or a press post, not this nonsense.

I vote that Jalopnik starts a new show. “Patrick Crashes” to compliment “Jason Drives”

pew pew pew

If Jeep fraud was a crime then the Renegade would be in jail.

You misspelled “ton”

I was just wondering this.

Maybe I’m an idiot, but how do so many vehicles stall on the tracks? If I was dumb enough to stop on the tracks, I would push through whatever traffic was in front of me to get clear if a train was coming.

Yup. Pretty much just the 911s have a left side ignition.

I can see it now: the LM Active Vision E-drive IS i340d Next Garage 51 100 Years Gran Prototype Efficient Dynamics LMR Homage M CSL.

I’ve been licking airplane armrests for years and haven’t gotten sick yet.

Sad to see the whale penis leather option leave.

That’s my guess anyways.

Fro my money, I’m pretty sure that’s a Bugatti, dude.

Oh look! The new mid-engine Corvette!

It is always a GT350R.

They overcharged the owner for the privilege of driving one of their cars enough to cover this expense.

I had a poster of a black countach with a wing growing up. When I see one without it, it just looks wrong. Not as wrong as one with a front wing though.

Tried watching his videos, but it looks like his hand gestures are trying to trigger a Manchurian candidate. Not sure if I’m said candidate, so I closed the tab.