The fuck?
The fuck?
It’s like someone was given a press packet, and told “reword this so you sound like an idiot trying to be funny”.
... not exactly a great piece. Seems like it’s trying to hard to be what it is. Which is a trash post. Give us an actual review or a press post, not this nonsense.
I vote that Jalopnik starts a new show. “Patrick Crashes” to compliment “Jason Drives”
pew pew pew
If Jeep fraud was a crime then the Renegade would be in jail.
You misspelled “ton”
I was just wondering this.
Maybe I’m an idiot, but how do so many vehicles stall on the tracks? If I was dumb enough to stop on the tracks, I would push through whatever traffic was in front of me to get clear if a train was coming.
I can see it now: the LM Active Vision E-drive IS i340d Next Garage 51 100 Years Gran Prototype Efficient Dynamics LMR Homage M CSL.
I’ve been licking airplane armrests for years and haven’t gotten sick yet.
Sad to see the whale penis leather option leave.
Fro my money, I’m pretty sure that’s a Bugatti, dude.
Oh look! The new mid-engine Corvette!
It is always a GT350R.
They overcharged the owner for the privilege of driving one of their cars enough to cover this expense.
I had a poster of a black countach with a wing growing up. When I see one without it, it just looks wrong. Not as wrong as one with a front wing though.
Tried watching his videos, but it looks like his hand gestures are trying to trigger a Manchurian candidate. Not sure if I’m said candidate, so I closed the tab.