
Playing the anthem early pretty much proves the uselessness of playing it at all, right?

.................the wrong way.

Yes, I’m sure that once the camo comes off it’ll be exactly like this:

Exactly. This looks more like a bulked up Scion than the prototype. And that Scion never looked very good

Wow, toyota boring’d the fuck out of the prototype.. and I’m really not digging that back end/tail light

Has anyone questioned Hillary yet?

I mean, we can wait a few months until the emails leak, but I feel we should probably find out more ASAP.

Mad props.

Ah, the claim of racism. The last bastion of those incapable of winning arguments.

When I heard what CK did and then later who his new fiance is I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Kapernick is an ignorant tool which was nicely shown by his wearing of a Malcolm X hat and Fidel Castro shirt. Two people who couldnt have

I never said I cared in that post. From what information do you conclude that I was pretending to do anything at all? I mean it’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that I literally never said anything to communicate that I did. Still you assumed anyway, that appears to be your thing...

Sadly in the world we live in that is enough to be considered racist :(

This site has turned into TMZ: car edition

Racism accusations are thrown around much too often nowadays.

So everyone here wants to talk about his poor defense against being called a racist...but not the fact that he was called a racist despite not doing or saying anything racist?

I think the sad part is that Stewart hadn’t really said anything racist, so I’m not sure why he had to fall back on the racist’s “I have black friends” defense..

Ho-lee ship, that thing's gigantic...

That thing is Hid.e.ous. And not in a good way.

I’m happy for Will.I.Am that he has the funds and connections to indulge his hobby as a “car designer”, ‘cos he’d never make a living doing it.

Dear Will_I_Am,

I used to think like this until I had the opportunity to talk to a driver. Most people have no idea how much science goes into driving a race car. Drivers know a lot about physics, as well as being able to recognize what is going on with their car and how to diagnose and solve problems. Air pressure in tires, drag,