September 22'nd, 2004
Looks like “Oceanic” would be the real life Malaysia Airlines. Talk about rotten luck, first they lose a plane to god knows what (and still can’t find it); then they lose one to a SAM launcher operated by buffoons— all within an amazingly short span of time...
Option 3 is to find the Alpha car in the parking lot first thing, and then crash into it, just beat the hell out of it...then the other cars know to respect you.
I bet none of their turn signals work either.
*triggered* urge to kill, rising.
Anyways, back in rational land:
Every new supercar at Geneva this week.... meh
The perps were apprehended, queso closed.
With Evans it’s usually the audience throwing up.
Just boot Evans and let Harris be the showrunner; for he is the Chris that lives in our hearts.
The Titanic wanted to float up until it went under. The big problem was the hole in its side.
Sorry, I got distracted at "Sabine" and "lap." What were you saying again?
So this is going to sink faster than the Titanic, right?
In less than a month. I can't wait!
It runs on unicorn tears.