I believe they’re actually called Mooninites.
I believe they’re actually called Mooninites.
Here’s all you need to do. Fly her to France for a romantic vacation (you have a magic money tree or golden goose don’t you). Point out how much better the cheese is everywhere and conclude that it must be because it’s always kept on the counter in a basket or cheese board. Then when you get back home and are…
Are there instructions for pooping in the archives because I think I might be doing it wrong.
I feel like that is literally their job at Lifehacker.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who had never heard of them.
Yup - There’s really a lot of energy in the battery cells as it approaches full charge. It’s definitely good from a chemistry (and not setting things on fire) standpoint that the phone does not allow the fast charger to dump lots of current into it at that point.
From one of my all time favorite albums
Garbage is one of those bands i hated when they first came out becuase they seemed to have that pre-fab design to capitalize on the the post-alternative that came out of the late 90s, just the latest incarnation of the monkees.
ah Garbage so, good.
We get it. You use an Android phone.
Windows/Mac: If you want to move a file, whether it’s a video, ebook, ringtone, or other media file, from your…
So, uh, changing your password and signing out of all devices didn’t make the cut, eh?
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