Mark Hall


Uhmm No actually its a sign of boredom shut when do i get to give you my opinion that ive been formulating while you blabber on ..

There is No better way to sit and watch TV or listen to music and relax ...and search the web ..or answer emails ..gone is a hot laptop on your tummy ..and the akward angle of the screen VS typing ..and i just mean the tablet does NOT have to be an IPad..although if you have a mac and and iphone it is a logical

I bet Henry Ford’s name could be inserted into this article ...and NO ONE would notice ...

Life for humankind could be over as we know it the blink of an eye some point if we dont get off the 3rd rock from our Sun ..we are done as a species

Joy Behar should apologise to the WORLD for her weekly crappy show. And inane comments

She put her hands in the Officers face..

Where were the lawsuits when Obama deported the most people ..of all Presidents ???!?? !

How old are you People ..Mayor Gullianni cleaned up NYC from the cesspool it had become he dosnt know which way earphones go in ...i guarantee you, couldnt opeate a cassette recorder or 8 track ..

NO $HIT sherlock ...He did it NO ONE PLANTED EVIDENCE...In retribution to mankind from the higher power ..The Kartrashians were spawned ..

I find the responses more disturbing than the video ..because evryone thinks its just fine to play a game where the objective is to play a snipper ..but yet you get to see the kill from multiple angles slow motion ...thats just not REAL ...and also pretty desentising to violence in my opinion ...

The desentisation of people to violence and sex being prevelant in all forms of advertising ..says 1 thing ...without it todays movie and games dont sell ..

Your reply is far more informative than the article lol

I loved my old hard disk ipod ..i gave it to an undeserving girlfriend have music in her apartment also never came off a charger ...

Ahhh kids ...capicators ..are well not really what the articles about now is it...

Im sick of seeing this

Are the Kartrashians Relaevant in any way ..i gues it depends on how much of your brain has been absorbed by TMZ

Ohhhhhh myyyy make it so. Make it so

We will be heads floating in jars demanding reboots of our favourite shows

The Man carrying the Football is NOT giving it up unless HE is DEAD !