Here ya go:
Here ya go:
‘Thank you for supporting us on your special occasion, but we’d like to see more of you so here’s an option.’”
A friend’s teenager once printed up 100 static-cling decals (this is important as there was no possible way he was vandalizing or damaging property). They were matte charcoal grey so they blended into dark colours really nicely. They said “I have a tiny wiener”. He stuck them to brodozer trucks, just below the rear…
Exact, it’s metaphorical. Driving a brodozer clearly shows you are seeking attention/validation, which is often a sign of poor self-esteem/insecurity.
Couple that with the fact that a lot of lifted and ridiculously modded truck drivers(I’m tempted to go with most, but I’ve restrained myself from being too hyperbolic), are total assholes. Just watch their behavior on and off the road and you’ll have plenty of empirical evidence to back it up.
Re: pickup drivers. Saying someone has small dick energy doesn’t actually mean you believe them to have a smaller anatomy. It’s a euphemism for insecurity. Maybe its outdated and body shaming, yes, but the underlying message is about insecurity.
We have evidence to suggest folks who buy pickup trucks and large SUVs wer…
Sounds like R4ndyD4ndy has a small penis.
Weird choice to purposely kill your business, but this is why I’m not a CEO.
As a Lego-Person, I see nothing wrong with this.
In other, completely unrelated news:
100%. I work for a fortune 500, and it is the same cycle every time. Our economy is dependent on the myth of unlimited growth. When you lay off all of these people, it frees up reporting cash for shareholders to see. Which means when they actually do have growth, they will need to re-hire anyways and have massive…
I remember when Breyer’s ads would make a point of its lack of artificial flavors and preservatives.
“...1987 for $29.87 (or $82.92 when adjusted for inflation).” $70 games in 2024 not looking too bad!
Nope, fuck that. If the nozzle reaches, I’m taking an available pump. Not gonna sit behind the 2 mooks that are waiting for the one pump that “matches” when there are 2-3 open ones that are completely cromulent for the task.
All taste is subjective of course.
In my view:
Punisher was fine, but not new or novel. The others you complain about being higher, many had on offer (at the very least) something most people hadn’t seen before.
She-Hulk, the early seasons of S.H.I.E.L.D., Luke Cage, Moon Knight, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel and Agent Carter…
What does “buy it again” mean, and is it clearly explained to people taking the survey? Does it mean redo their purchase all over again, as in “no ragrets?” Or does it mean buy it for their next car purchase?
Are the Nazis on their Discord server employees of the company, freelancers working for them, or otherwise someone given status or authority by the company, or are they just players of the company’s games? Are they allowing Nazi content or references on their server, or is that something they company fighting?
Recycling the exact same argument you clowns used for NFT’s two years ago, I see. Well, I guess if you guys were capable of coming up with new ideas, you wouldn’t need AI.
Who the fuck starred this comment? Life isn’t a Michael Bay movie.