
You ar right I was referring to the hollywood face of it, and living in LA its a bit more hypocritical than the broader movement.

I think the problem with the “me Too” movement is it’s selective targeting. The same actresses calling for Harvey Weinstein’s head are still trying to get Roman Polanski pardoned and are working with Woody Allen. Burn them all or give them all a pass.

Literally was just going to comment this.

This, I was just explaining this to a roomful of coworkers during a break at a conference.

If we are going to prevent every other actors in holloywood for working because of allegations I don’t understand why “artists” like allen and polanski get a pass. This I feel undermines our stance of no tolerance and shows a hypocrisy in who we go after.

It is still available form for 25

It is still available form for 25

I am nowhere near educated about it but when i briefly was looking into adoption, before i decided not at this time, lot of states require open adoption and I have several friends who a year - two years into loving their child had a parent return to reinstate custody, that it a lot of heartbreak.

As someone who became a widow at thirty, after 6 years of marriage and a three year battle witch cancer what I have learned is there is no apply all formula. Initially there was overwhelming loneliness and I would get drinks with anyone who asked me out, then I realized everyone was trash and noone could compare and

This is literally my favorite movie for bad movie night. We used to drink every time they said they are doubling in size but we needed to slow down our drinking so we switched to every time they showed a headshot of an actor during a transition scene but we would have passed out 20 minutes in the movie so we had to

Yes, This.,

It is totally available on HULU

It wasn’t any more painful than getting a pap to be honest.

Can we get Marla Maples to join Real Housewives, nothing stays discrete on that show for long.

This is pretty much my theory. but i won cats and havner’t been called up to put my money where my mouth is yet.

That was exactly me reaction

I just got the Mirena IUD in the last couple months. I had my period for 4 weeks straight but since then it has been amazing, I’m a bit more achy and bitchy during my “period week”but no bloating and no cramps!

yes. That was my exact thought, also kiss four freaking chihuahua instead of cut out pictures of married men.

That’s why you request “light ice”

This must be the reason that a British colonialism-themed restaurant has just opened in Portland, Oregon.

This. So much this.