
This guy uses the most cliche insult about writing imaginable in an attempt to belittle the writing that other people admire. Sweet.

"Don's story" is a glimpse at about 10 years in his life. How is that supposed to have a "natural endpoint?"

I think that affair implied to have begun between seasons.

Nice segue.

You seem to have a very weak grasp on things that happen in this show.

Rosemary's Baby will be a huge part of the very next episode!

"She knows I'm a terrible husband," he'll be saying in about 3 months (show time).

"Don dealing with his demons, sitting alone in his giant apartment." Thinking of the very last shot of Season 7, Episode 1.

Or he's just her gay buddy.

Actually Don wrote the copy for that commercial.

I don't agree that Peggy's pitch was better at all. It was more obvious and more friendly to the client's sensibilities, though.

I bet she'll be back within two episodes!

That's the president you're talking about.

Signal 30 through Lady Lazarus are probably the peak of the entire series.

Signal 30 through Lady Lazarus are probably the peak of the entire series.

Just Roger looking for her mom.

Just Roger looking for her mom.



what if he hangs himself instead??????????